Choose your adventure

Wilderness Adventures are the experts in private small group adventures in the Northern Rivers, of New South Wales. Wilderness Adventures provides unique abseiling, bushwalking, canyoning, liloing, and wild swimming tours, plus many other action packed outdoor experiences. Every adventure activity is adjusted to meet the needs of the participants, so you get the most out of your adventure.

Safety Information and Warning

Wilderness Adventures places safety as it’s highest priority. We do our very best to eliminate, minimise and control the risks involved in the activities we offer, however risk is an inherent part of outdoor activities and adventures. Please take the time to read the safety warning below.

Safety Warning & Risk Information

Most Wilderness Adventures activities take place in remote locations. Certain risks and dangers may be encountered on any of our adventures including; remoteness from normal medical services, physical exertion in rugged environments, extremes in weather, and other environmental factors.

Wilderness Adventures activities take place on a mix of tracked and rugged off track terrain. Most locations visited are deep inside National Parks, or other public land/reserves. Some activities occur on private land. Scrambling and rock hopping is often required during the journey.

The route is often adjacent to flowing rivers where conditions are wet, slippery and cold. Creek or river crossings, with or without the need for swimming/wading may be necessary. Large waterfalls may be encountered and be descended or ascended. Water can be fast flowing and conditions dynamic.

Large cliffs may be traversed, descended or climbed. Loose and slippery rocks are commonly encountered on or near; cliffs, waterfalls, waterways, as well as on some tracks and in many bushland areas. Some activities require the use of ropes, rock-climbing and abseiling skills/techniques/equipment.

When booking an activity it is vital that you choose an activity which suits all members of your group, including each members fitness, age, agility, experience and confidence levels.

Where swimming is involved in the activity all group members must be able to swim confidently a distance of at least 50m unassisted (unless your guide advises a different swim competency requirement).

There are other activity and site specific risks.

Hazards and risks include;

  • lack of shelter
  • communication failures or difficulties
  • impact injuries due to people or objects falling, slipping, tripping or sliding from heights or surfaces
  • equipment failure, loss, damage or not appropriately used/selected
  • trauma, lacerations, bumps, burns, bruises and cuts
  • heat and cold injuries
  • dehydration or excess hydration
  • becoming separated and lost
  • difficulty traversing obstacles and hazards
  • food and hygiene hazards
  • water and drowning related dangers (including depth, volume and velocity of water)
  • geographic, engineering and geological failures
  • locations where it is impossible, dangerous, or difficult to back track, and/or exit points are limited due to the terrain
  • fauna and flora causing injury, death, or medical episode
  • participants lacking fitness, or suitable experience for the activity being undertaken
  • illness, injury, exhaustion, fatigue, medical emergency or delays in outside medical assistance
  • falling trees/branches, falling rocks/boulders and landslides occur in the natural areas that we visit. It is extremely difficult to predict where and when these will occur in advance.
  • bushfires, earth quakes, tsunamis, thunderstorms, extreme winds, flash floods (from intense heavy rain or impoundment failure) and landslides. These and other natural, or man made, hazards may occur without warning in locations with no protection possible.
  • poor preparation leading to difficulties during the activity
  • collisions and travel accidents related to vehicles
  • complications as a result of injuries, illness or rescue operations
  • issues arising from other users of the area or actions of the land manager(s)

It is possible for participants to be seriously injured or die as a result of such hazards during outdoor recreation activities.

Come Prepared

Read your booking information carefully, so you are aware of what your adventure entails. Ask questions about the activity at any time if you have safety concerns or other questions. Come with the clothing and equipment listed in the booking information, so you are well prepared for the activity.

We encourage all participants to apply sunscreen and insect repellent at least 15 minutes prior to commencement of activities.

Follow Instructions

You must follow Wilderness Adventures workplace health and safety procedures. These are provided to participants during activity briefings. You must do as the guide instructs and avoid taking actions outside the safety instructions. Participants who refuse to follow the guides instructions, or exhibit anti-social behaviour, will be removal from the activity to ensure the safety of others. We ask participants to treat the guides with due care and respect.

If you do not feel you can accept the risks associated with any activity offered by Wilderness Adventures, you have the right to opt out. It is best to opt out before the activity starts. If you opt out before the activity you are entitled to a refund.

Consider the risks involved in the activity before you book, and again before you start the adventure. Your guide will brief you at length about the activity and risks. Ask your guide for more information at the pre trip briefing, if you have concerns, or need more information.

Choose the adventure that suits your group

Book an adventure that suits all the members of your group, not just the person making the booking. All activities are challenge by choice. You must let your guide know immediately if you do not wish to proceed with an activity. You can ask to stop at any time. Please be aware, that on some journeys, it may not be possible to exit an area between certain points due to the nature of the environment. In these locations you will need to continue until a safe exit can be reached. Your guide will advise you before entering any sections where the level of commitment is high and there is no option to back track.

Remoteness and lack of outside assistance

During Wilderness Adventures activities participants may be more than 4 hours away from medical/hospital treatment. Outside assistance may not be available, or may be limited, because of remoteness and the environment. Communications may be limited or not available. It may not be possible for participant to receive urgent medical attention.

Difficulty of rescue

Rescue from remote locations are often slow and difficult. Rescue will sometimes rely on the support of a rescue helicopter, police, ambulance, fire or other rescue teams. A rescue by helicopter brings additional hazards. A rescue helicopter will often weigh more than 7 tones and produce a large amount of downforce that can fall trees and send objects flying. Winch operations can be long and difficult. Night flying may not be possible. Injured participants may require a long, slow and difficult stretcher carry to reach a suitable winch point, particularly if no clear area is available due to dense tree cover. It may be necessary for sick/injured people to wait overnight until suitable flying conditions or additional resources become available.

Take out insurance

Participants should hold suitable travel and medical insurance (with ambulance coverage that includes the use of rescue helicopters). Participants should consider if they need other forms of insurance, such as income protection insurance.

Provide accurate medical history information

While all guiding staff have current first aid qualifications, and carry Remote Area or Wilderness First Aid Kits, participants who have a history of allergic reactions, asthma or other life threatening medical conditions will likely be required to provide a written approval from their GP to participate in Wilderness Adventures activities.

GP approval must include detailed treatment information in case emergency treatment is required in the field. If such approval is not given, service will not be provided. We are happy to make changes to programs (or run alternative programs) to enhance the safety and wellbeing of clients who suffer from illnesses. If you suffer from asthma you must complete an Asthma Management Plan. If you suffer from an allergy you must complete our Allergic Reaction Management Form in advance.

All participants (or their legal guardian) must complete a medical form, read our booking terms and conditions and sign the waiver form. Please ensure the medical information on your medical form is accurate, as this will allow your guide to prepare for your participation in the activity and manage your medical needs in the event of an emergency.

Contact us if you have questions

We provide this safety warning to help ensure participants in our activities are aware of the associated risks/hazards. We wish to ensure participants can make an informed decision about their participation, prior to commencement of the activities. We believe it is important prospective participants understand the broad range of risks/hazards which may be present prior to booking.

We welcome enquiries from anyone seeking further information about the experiences we offer. We are happy to answer questions related to risks/hazards, as well as the workplace health and safety systems we use to manage the safety of participants.

Safety is Wilderness Adventures highest priority.